Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
If you want to live on campus and agree to the terms and conditions of the contract, submit your housing application and contract when they become available. If you are applying for the fall semester you will participate in the online room selection process. Once you apply you will be sent information on how to select your room. If you are applying for the spring semester we will send you your room assignment after the holiday break via NJIT email.
You will receive a conformation email via your NJIT email account. If you have any questions after reviewing your confirmation letter please email or call us, 973.596.3039
We are unable to guarantee housing for the entire time you are at NJIT.
Almost 2,500 students live on campus in six co-ed residence halls and the Greek Village.
First year students live in Cypress, Redwood and the Martinson Residence Hall (Honors). Rooms are fully furnished, air- conditioned with Wifi. Each hall has common areas and facilities including lounges, study areas, kitchens and laundry rooms. Other services include: washer and dryers, snack and soda machines, recreational equipment (pool, ping- pong, large screen televisions, etc.). View our halls HERE
Upper class students live in every buildings. Rooms are fully furnished, air-conditioned with Wifi. Each hall has common areas and facilities including lounges, study areas, kitchens and laundry rooms. Other services include: washer and dryers, snack and soda machines, recreational equipment (pool, ping-pong, large screen televisions, etc.). Visit our halls HERE
NJIT has a food service contract with an independent vendor, which offers well-balanced, nutritious meals with menus that feature traditional hot foods, fast foods, soup and salad bar, deli sandwiches and desserts. Pizza, Italian specialties and grilled sandwiches are also featured. Options to the full-feature menu include vegetarian, vegan and desserts.
Yes, Tech Bucks transfer from fall to spring semester. Any Tech Bucks left at the end of spring semester are non refundable.
For the most accurate information about food services please visit Gourmet Dining Service's website.
NJIT students use their NJIT ID card to gain access to a central residence hall entrance. Desk attendants are on duty 24 hours a day and provide security for the residence halls by monitoring hall entrances and swiping student IDs. All guests must have a valid photo ID and be signed into the residence halls by a resident host. Guests must be accompanied by their hosts at all times. Residence life staff provide on-duty coverage in each building. In addition, NJIT's professional police and public safety officers patrol the campus 24 hours a day on foot, in cars, motor scooters and bicycles. Rooftop surveillance cameras are monitored around the clock.
Many of you will have two resident assistants on your floor. RAs have many roles: community facilitator, activities organizer, resource person, peer counselor, administrator, disciplinarian and friend.
We offer Special Interest Communities, Communities Standards and opportunities to be involved in hall government and activities.
Special Interest Communities provide an environment that can enhance motivation to learn, stimulate learning in specific areas of interest and offer opportunities to work closely with staff and faculty members. Current Special Interest Communities are posted HERE
During the first week of classes, students on each floor create and make agreements about how they are going to relate to and treat each other in their community. The community standards for the floor continuously evolve as the community interaction shapes and reshapes your understanding and expectations.
Hall government is similar to student government. Each area elects floor representatives and hall government officers. Students discuss issues, plan programs, review policies, etc.
Events such as ice cream socials, gaming, pool tournaments, study review sessions, resume writing, poetry readings, international cooking fests, etc.
Transfer, new Graduate students, and continuing students that did not participate in room selection will be sent their room and roommate information in the middle of July.
First year students will select their own room and roommate(s) online in June.
Residence Life will notify you of your roommate(s) name(s) when room assignment letters are sent in the middle of July.
When you move in you will be asked to complete a roommate agreement. If you have an issue with your roommate we encourage you to go over your roommate agreement again. Your resident assistant will be available to assist you if you have a concern or conflict.
You are allowed to have up to three guests at one time, however there are certain restrictions. Check out the Policies and Procedures section for more information.
Contact or visit the Student Financial Aid Services Office in the Student Mall for information about job opportunities on campus. Residence Life also hires many students. See the Employment Opportunities section for the positions we offer.
Check out our Contact Us section.
Our exclusive partner StorageSquad.com provides free boxes, free tape and free labels to NJIT students. They will pick up, store and re-deliver your belongings in the fall to your room. Make your reservation at Storage Squad now!
NJIT’s Residence Life Office, with support from Office of Accessibility Resources & Services (OARS), provides reasonable accommodations for on-campus university housing to students with documented disabilities. Students requesting reasonable accommodations for on-campus university housing must indicate need on their housing application or by contacting OARS at 973-596-5417 or via email to oars@paulytheprayingpup.com. The requesting student will be required to have a treating professional submit all necessary and supporting documentation. Accommodation requests are reviewed by the appropriate medical, psychological, and/or professional staff. When a request is processed, the student will be notified of its status, and if approved, will receive an appropriate housing assignment based on vacancies available in housing at that time.
An emotional support animal (ESA) is an animal that is prescribed or otherwise documented by a healthcare professional as part of treatment or recovery for an individual with a disability. Students who wish to bring an ESA to live with them in NJIT campus housing as part of their treatment/recovery are required to contact the Office of Accessibility Resources & Services (OARS) and provide all necessary supporting materials. All applications for ESAs in NJIT campus residential housing will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by OARS in consultation with the Office of Residence Life. Please contact Office of Accessibility Resources & Services (OARS) at 973-596-5417 or email oars@paulytheprayingpup.com.